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The Secrets to Web Content that Sells

13 Jun

The best web developers understand that a critical part of every website design is the actual web content on every page. This content is what drives viewers to the website, and it is what keeps viewers interested in what the website has to offer. Additionally, web content compels website viewers to take action and either buy something or want to learn more. In order to write excellent web content, it is important to understand the basic fundamentals of writing search engine optimized copy. Here are some guidelines for writing web content that sells.

Web Content Research

Expert web content writers understand that before one word is every written for a website, research must be done first. This research consists of learning more about the niche industry or hobby that the website is about. This means reading up on the industry, as well as finding out what the top competitors are including on their websites. Any business that wants to get ahead in a smart way will take the time to research competitors first. Do this right and you have a great start to creating web content that sells!

Web Content Keywords

When consumers are looking for something on the Internet, they will generally type in a series of keywords into a search engine. These keywords are what lead viewers to particular websites. The websites which have enough of these keywords included in the web content get the best results in the search engines. This is often referred to as search engine optimization, or SEO. When writing content, be sure to use keyword research tools to indentify the top five keyword combinations for the best results for your website.

Web Content Word Counts

Another way to web content success is to make sure that you follow the rules when it comes to the actual word count of your web copy. Many people do not understand that if you do not have at least 250 words on a web page, it will simply be ignored by most major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Be sure to write at least 250 words for each page. In addition, do not get carried away with your keywords, which will only cause your pages to be dropped entirely!

Web Content Paragraph Structure

Most readers will spend approximately 30 seconds or less reading your web content, so keep your sentences easy to read to keep them interested. Limit each paragraph to no more than 3-4 sentences and make sure that they make overall sense. Each paragraph should start with a compelling sentence and end with another compelling sentence to lead readers to the next paragraph. Remember, you are not writing a novel here, just great web content!

Call to Action in Web Content

Lastly, if you want to write the very best web content, you must include a call to action for your readers. Near the middle to the end of the web content, be sure to ask the reader to take action such as exploring other parts of the website (through imbedded links), pick up the phone to call, make a purchase, or send an email through a web contact form. The goal of the website is to not have people get stuck reading through many pages of content, but rather to take clear action.

As you write your web content, be sure to take the time to proofread it and spell check it so that your website comes off as intelligent and authoritative to readers. The basics of good writing apply to web content and will help your copy to sell to viewers. By following the above tips, your web content will improve and you will get positive results in terms of selling your ideas, services and products on a website marketing platform.

Blogathon 2011 Theme Day “My top 5 favorite places to write”

22 May

Well, here we are just ten days shy of the end of the 2011 WordCount Blogathon and I have to say that it’s been a blast! My blog has grown so much, I’ve met some wonderful fellow bloggers, and had a bunch of terrific guests share their insight here.

Today, as part of the Blogathon, I’ve been tasked with writing on a theme “My top 5 favorite places to write are…”, which really got me thinking! Does where I write have an effect on the type of writing I do?

Since I left the corporate world years ago to pursue web copy writing full time, I’ve written in all kinds of environments from a bedroom office to local coffee shops. The people and things around me must have some kind of influence on my work. Being a freelancer, I meet some wonderful people everywhere I happen to connect my trusty Dell laptop to the Internet. I often encounter other freelancers, small business owners and busy Mom’s who are building careers for themselves. These people share fresh ideas and perspectives with me, which are often the inspiration for new material. One would have to say then that the choices of where I love to write have a positive influence on my writing.

So, without further ado, here are my top 5 favorite places to write:

1. My queen anne style, vintage cherry writing desk. This desk is the center of my world as a Charleston web copy writer. I picked it up from an estate sale about 6 years ago, from a neiughbor who told me it was his mother’s cherished desk. It has been the place where I have sat many hours late into the night drafting new business articles, worked with clients on marketing plans, and just tried to keep it all together as an entrepreneur. Wherever I go in life, this desk comes along with me and it centers me enough to do my very best.

2. In my bedroom late at night. Sounds like the start of a great romance novel, doesn’t it? Well, to be honest, on days when I am seeking creativity the most, I take my laptop into the bedroom and get under the covers in my jammies to write. I love to write my blog posts there at the end of a busy day. I often write devotionals for my church ladies’ lunch group early in the morning when I wake up, before I roll out of bed to start the day. My bedroom is a safe haven where I ca express myself in any way I wish.

3. My little front porch. What can I say, except I am a real nature girl at heart! Ever since we moved into our dream home last fall, I have made my front porch into a mini oasis away from the stress of a work day. There’s lots of comfortable chairs, green plants and a nice breeze which refreshes my mind. During the times when I get a little burnt out from churning out articles, I relax on my front porch to have some lunch and scribble in my notebook.

4. Local Coffee Shops. Not only do they make great places to spend an afternoon with friends, the coffee shops in my hometown like Starbucks and Bigby Coffee give me a chance to write and collaborate with my clients. I often meet new clients there to go over ideas for web content, or share a quick bite to eat while brainstorming their social media strategy. When my Wi-Fi goes down, coffee shops give me a backup so I don’t lose contact with anyone or miss an important deadline.

5. The beach. Naturally, since I love the outdoors, one of the best places to refresh the soul and do some creative writing happens to be at the beaches here. In the middle of the week, I will sometimes grab my satchel, a pair of sandals, and my trusty notebook to spend an afternoon on the beach. There’s something about the sound of waves splashing against the sand that is so relaxing, and yet inspiring. Late afternoons after all the tourists and crowds have gone are the best time to write on the beach!

Well, there you have it…Please feel free to share where your favorite places to write ( or be creative ) are!

Career Opportunities for Web Copy Writers

5 May

In addition to writing, one of my favorite activities is to post opportunities for web copy writers on my Freelance Writing Class website, home of a little virtual course I wrote last year about getting into freelance writing as a career. There are literally thousands of ways in which copy writers can earn a decent living, either part time or full time.

The advantages of being a freelance web copy writer are endless, including:

  • The freedom to work from home or anywhere an Internet connection exists.
  • Flexible schedule that fits well with family life or other responsibilities.
  • The ability to take on as little or as many writing projects needed to earn an income.
  • Being your own boss has many perks and increases confidence.
  • Experiencing different industries and cultures around the world.

For me, becoming a web copywriter has been the single-most rewarding aspect of my adult life. Despite having worked in human resources for well over 14 years, I found that my transition to becoming a freelancer was a positive one. While I won’t paint a completely rosey picture because this choice has had it’s ups and downs just like any career, I can say that I am more fulfilled as a career-woman and feel much more in control of my family finances than I ever did working outside the home in a corporate day job.

If you are exploring the many opportunities in web copy writing work, in addition to my freelance writing  jobs page at Freelance Writing Class, here are some resources to help you get started (and where I found a lot of inspiration over the years!) :

Freelance Writing Jobs – one of the largest and well-respected sources for information on freelance writing and career opportunities. Multiple job postings and information to keep you in the know.

Freelance Writing – Helping freelance writers succeed since 1997, this website will give you insight and information about freelance copy writing opportunites and contests around the globe.

Online Writing Jobs – Find organized lists and sources of information on freelance copy writing gigs all over. I return to this list time and again for updated opportunities.

Writing Career – posts updated freelance writing job leads from Craigslist and other online job boards. Nice resource and fun way to find work online.

FlexJobs – This is the only membership freelance writing job resource I recommend. Why? Because I personally worked for FlexJobs when I was first starting out as a freelance writer!  I know from first-hand experience that all of the freelance writing job leads are legit, well-researched and updated on a daily basis by real people to make sure only the best jobs are listed.

So, if you are trying to find your way as a freelance web copy writer, or you are searching for new opportunities – be sure to check out the above sources for fresh job leads and inspiration!


About the Author: Tess C. Taylor, Owner of Taylor Resources Writing, is a web copy writer in Charleston, South Carolina who has been featured on The Chamber of Commerce, Yahoo and US News. She has been writing for 5 years and has published over 2,500 articles and 100 websites on business and career topics around the world.

What You Need to Know About Local Web Copy Writers and Web Designers

19 Apr

If you own a small business and you are looking for the best quality and values in web copy writing and web design, why not look in your own backyard? Chances are, there are some wonderful marketing and creative service providers who live right in your neighborhood, have kids who go to your kids’ schools and may even go to your church! While many creatives work on the side for extra income, there are some who dedicate their lives on a full time basis to supporting small businesses with excellent quality web copy, websites and art.

Charleston web copy writers and web designers are plentiful due to the influx of new business growth in the Low Country. To find them, one must simply do a quick search online or check with the regional Chamber of Commerce. There are also many networking groups in the North Area, Summerville, downtown Charleston, Mount Pleasant and beyond where small business owners can connect with talented writers, web developers, graphic designers and other creatives. These folks are eager to provide entrepreneurs with their best work.

A great way to save money on any web or print marketing project is by hiring a local Charleston web copy writer who can handle all types of content. Instead of farming work out to some unknown print company in another state, it’s always a better idea to look for a local professional. Remember, a local copy writer has more at stake than just a sale. He or she is interested in making sure you are 100% happy and get what you need to be successful. You can experience a personal level of concern and a long-term business relationship with a local creative professional – something that you will never get with a “sweat shop” printing mill.

You will also benefit from working with a local web copy writer  or web developer because you know that this person understands your market better than someone from out of the area. A Charleston based writer knows the people who are your customers. A website designer from the Low Country understands the unique culture and tone that your website will need to get the right message across to your patrons. Instead of trying to explain this to an outsider, save time and trouble by hiring local for all your creative marketing needs.

When you find a Charleston web content writer who you like working with, many doors will open to you. You can easily get connected with other local creatives like web developers, photographers, graphic designers, and more because writers often work hand-in-hand with other creative types. Once you have a trusted Charleston web copy writer on your team, you can rest assured that the people that work with your writer are people that this writer trusts to do a great job for you.  Writers happen to be very social creatures, so they know all the right people!

So before you lay down a lot of cash for a website or a marketing brochure through some overseas company, with no face or name to refer to, take a moment to contact a Charleston web copy writer or web development firm. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the great response and quality of work you will receive for your investment!

For more information and rates for Charleston Copy Writing, please feel free to contact Tess C. Taylor of Taylor Resources Writing, LLC. today at 843.548.0077. Or visit HTTP://WWW.TRWRITING.COM